In the heart of Westmont, Aaron and Priscilla’s charming “fixer-upper” has taken a significant stride toward realizing its full potential. A high-quality new roof and gutters, both durable and elegant, have not only secured their dwelling but also paved the way for more exciting upgrades.
As soon as they moved in last year, the couple faced a pivotal decision. Significant wear and tear on their previous roof left them with an ultimatum from their homeowners’ insurance: new roof or no insurance.
One phone call to Baltic Roofing and things started to look up quickly. Priscilla shared, “The gentleman that came over was fantastic. It was a “no-brainer” to choose Baltic Roofing for the job, she said.
Priscilla recalled, “The whole process was great. I don’t think people know what to expect getting their roof done — how long it’s going to take, how loud it’s going to be — but it was really fast, easy.”
Today their two-story home and detached garage have been completely transformed with Onyx Black asphalt shingles and matching black gutters. “I love it. I think it’s perfect,” Priscilla commented. “Now I just want to paint my house to look better with my new black roof.”
Priscilla and Aaron are eager to continue their bucket list of home improvements. “This is a fixer-upper, so there are many projects that need to be done. Too many to list!”
“I would definitely recommend you guys,” said Priscilla. “I have said to more than one friend that if they need their roof done, I have the number for them to call.”