In the suburban town of Darien, Joe, a meticulous homeowner, is known among his friends for being a bit picky — never settling for anything less than perfection. So when he decided to hire Baltic Roofing to replace his aging roof, he felt confident he was getting the best in the business.
Joe knew it was time to call the experts when he noticed several loose shingles on the roof and attempts to nail them back in place proved futile. A quick Google search led Joe to Baltic Roofing and countless glowing reviews from happy customers throughout the area.
“I really appreciate the customer service, which is kind of lost sometimes, you know? More companies should do that because it goes a long way. The follow-up, the thoroughness, and the communication.”
Joe’s confidence in Baltic Roofing grew with each passing day. The dedicated team of roofing experts showed the utmost respect for neighbors, he said, by “not causing a ruckus” and keeping the work area as tidy as possible. The quality of the finished product sealed the deal.
Joe shared with a chuckle. His two-storey home has been totally transformed with brand-new asphalt shingles in a warm teak color, earning compliments from neighbors, Joe said.
Now with a secure roof in place, Joe can focus on other home improvement projects, starting with painting the exterior.